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Markley, van Camp & Robbins

Markley, van Camp & Robbins
“Make sense of it all, and have fun.” If there’s one sentence to sum up Markley, van Camp, & Robbins, that’s it. Jamie Markley (the Gen Xer), David van Camp (the Millennial), and Scott Robbins (the Baby Boomer) go through the news the same way you and your friends would…taking the serious stuff, well, seriously, while also laughing at the absurd. Each one brings a unique perspective to the news of the day, closing the generation gap in a way no other talk show can. At the end of the day, it’s three friends hanging out, talking about everything from what’s truly important, to the stories that just make you laugh. One thing is for sure: it’s never boring.


  • David van Camp
    by Jamie Markley David is an interesting cat. Well, not only is he a “cat whisperer” (he has a calming effect even on feral cats), he’s a football guy from Texas, a Star Wars nerd, a guitarist ... read more »
  • Jamie Markley
    by David van Camp Jamie Markley is one of the most unique people I’ve ever met in this business. He looks at, and breaks down, topics in a way that no one else in media does: like the average pers... read more »

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