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Jamie Markley

Jamie Markley

by David van Camp

Jamie Markley is one of the most unique people I’ve ever met in this business.

He looks at, and breaks down, topics in a way that no one else in media does: like the average person. That’s not to say he doesn’t know what he’s talking about; it’s to say he is able to take complex topics and drill down to the heart of every topic, and approach it in a way that gets me thinking about it differently.

He’s also a walking music encyclopedia, who’s not afraid to drop random facts at a moment’s notice.

Like, did you know Tom Petty didn’t want to record the song “I Won’t Back Down,” because he thought it was “too obvious?” I learned that during a conversation with him about tax reform (Did I mention he suffers from ADHD?).

Some of his opinions on music are clearly wrong (like, “The Beatles are overrated” and “Guns n Roses had more than one good album”), but I don’t hold that against him.

It’s a ton of fun working with him, and every day he helps keep me sane in the crazy news cycles we’re constantly living through. I think that helps keep the listeners sane, too. All I know for sure is that he’s unlike anyone else I hear in talk radio, and that’s a great thing.



  • Markley, van Camp & Robbins
    “Make sense of it all, and have fun.” If there’s one sentence to sum up Markley, van Camp, & Robbins, that’s it. Jamie Markley (the Gen Xer), David van Camp (the Millennial), and Scott Robbin... read more »



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