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Nancy Johnson

Nancy Johnson

I was born in Philadelphia and raised in nearby Lancaster County. I moved to Newark in 2001 and have been here ever since. I began my career with Delmarva Broadcasting Company in 1994 as a Trafficwatch Reporter. Still can't believe that I've 'graduated' to WSTW Morning Show Co-Host....but when that daily 3:00am alarm clock goes off, I'm gently reminded that my dream HAS come true!! I love, love, LOVE being in radio and wouldn't trade my experiences for the world.

When I'm at home, I love spending time with my 2 children and husband, gardening, and cooking up huge tasty feasts! (My family seems to enjoy that last thing I just mentioned the most;) And when I grow up, I wanna be just like my Morning Show Co-Host, Spencer Graves.....tall.

Thanks for listening!!


