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Pastor Bob Ybarra

Pastor Bob Ybarra
I'm a Californian who accepted Christ in my early 20's and not because my life was a mess, Ah Contraire! I had the American dream, new wife, new house, new car, new baby on the way. Life from an earthly perspective was good, yet, I knew something was missing and had always been searching for what it was. Sure, I sought out the spiritual by delving into eastern religions some, did the transendental meditation thing for a season, and even went to church a few times (I had no religious upbringing per say), but religion was empty to me. Then through the friendship of a Christian co-worker (thanks Ron!) I realized what I was missing. What drew me was how my friend spoke of his relationship with God in such a personal manner. So, after attending a Bible Study and experiencing a real spiritual meeting with the Savior, I surrendered to him and his grace. I've been following him ever since. Serving the Lord was a natural and seamless step for me and I have served in a lot of differnt ministries. Started teaching the Word of God at a young spiritual age. Grew through the several men that God used to disciple me. Served in Japan as a missionary with my wife and kids in 1990-1991 and have traveled to over 24 different countries teaching and sharing. I love the Far East the most. Today I pastor Calvary Chapel Perris Valley with a growing and wonderful congregation. Where the Lord sends me in the future is up to Him. For now I am here with my wife of 30 plus years. Professionally I worked in the architectural field and enjoy a lot of different things (tech, design, photography, music, Formula 1), but I am most serious about the Bible. . Equally important is the fulfilling of what has been called the "Great Commission" found in Matthew 28:16-20, to make disciples for Christ, there is no greater endevour. Loving God and Loving others . . . it's that simple. Blessings Pastor Bob Ybarra
Category: Christian Talk

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