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Clanny Green

Clanny Green

Clanny Green is the co-host of the Active Reliance Radio Show and host of the talk show Downlink. Clanny's background is in Communications and Christian ministry. His heart within the ministry has always been Evangelism and Apologetics. His love for Communications has been one of his dearest passions believing that sound Communications in its purest form is the catalyst of success. Clanny consisting of a love of Radio Communications to Information and Technology, He time in the Navy gave him a way to increase his learning in both fields working both as a radioman and information specialist. Clanny would later realize his calling in ministtry but his love for communications and technology would still be there. in 2011 Clanny began Co-hosting the talk show Active Reliance a show geared to discussing the tough topics and issues concerning the body of Christ. in 2014 Clanny decided to Host the show called Downlink that covers a variety of topics and issues from a Christian World View,



  • The Active Reliance Radio Show
    The Active Reliance Radio show is hosted by Clanny Green and Monte Moore. A talk show that discusses topics and current events that affect the Body of Christ.
  • Downlink
    Hosted by Clanny Green Downlink delivers current events in the world and dialogues from a Christian World View.



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