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7:00AM - 7:30AM

Focus on the Family


One of the best gifts you can give your child is a passion for prayer! Two moms will describe fun games and family traditions that will encourage a habit of prayer in your children, helping them grow in their faith! Discover the power of prayer in your family.

7:30AM - 8:00AM

Insight for Living


In a frightening vision, the apostle John sees hell itself unleashed upon the earth in a locust-like swarm of demonic activity, carrying out the devastating consequences of sin’s rule. Pastor Chuck Swindoll illuminates Revelation 9:1–12, providing important points about demons: they are real and . . .

8:03AM - 8:30AM

FamilyLife Today®


Do you ever feel like it's just... too much? Laundry piles up, bills keep coming, and your schedules overflow. Well, Sara Hagerty gets it. Once struggling with infertility, adoption, and yeah, now she's raising seven kids! She encourages us on finding purpose in the unexpected twists of life, even . . .

8:30AM - 9:00AM

In Touch Ministries


Fasting is one of the spiritual disciplines that believers often overlook, largely because we don't understand it. Dr. Stanley explains not only why we fast but also how we are to fast.

9:00AM - 9:30AM

Grace to You


We’re living in a confused and wicked world. How does God expect you to conduct yourself in the midst of the chaos? How does He equip you to stand apart and make a difference . . . both for today and for eternity?


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6:30AM - 7:00AM

Truth For Life


Constantly hounded by Saul and his men, David’s journey to the throne wasn’t as easy as we might expect for God’s anointed king. What stopped him from simply taking what was promised to him? Find out when you listen to Truth For Life with Alistair Begg. 1 Samuel 24

6:02AM - 6:30AM


BRAVE is the teaching ministry of pastor Jeff Schwarzentraub. He is steadfast in his conviction that God loves building His church and is saving, maturing, and multiplying BRAVE disciples of Jesus Christ.

6:00AM - 6:02AM

The Morning Word

The Morning Word with Tom Moller - Weekdays - 6 - 10 AMis specifically designed to help busy people start the day with the Word of God in a time frame that fits into their commute time.

Contests & Sweepstakes

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